
"Finding Home" is now available on Amazon.

The King of All Things

This one speaks to the humbling truth that life is often beyond our command.

There once was a king, proud and stout,
Who wished to control all, without a doubt.
He’d order the sun to rise and set,
Demand the wind, “Stop blowing yet!”

He’d shout to the rivers, “Flow just so!”
And instruct each plant on how to grow.
He’d tell the clouds, “Now cease to rain!”
And scold the sea for wax and wane.

He lined his birds up wing by wing,
And taught each bee the proper sting.
He counted trees, their leaves and bark,
And trained each cricket when to hark.

But despite his plans and mighty will,
The sun rose high and set down still.
The river flowed, the winds blew free,
The waves still danced upon the sea.

The king sat down, his head held low,
For not one thing would heed his show.
The universe just grinned and sighed,
Ignoring all he’d planned and tried.

So here’s a tip for you and me—
Control’s an itch, not meant to be.
For life’s a river, wide and wild,
Not meant to be boxed or filed.

So breathe and laugh, let go and see,
That life’s much sweeter wild and free.
