
"Finding Home" is now available on Amazon.

Amanda Burris

Amanda Burris

I have dedicated my post-retirement life to fostering creativity and intergenerational bonds to help heal our communities. I have a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) in Advertising Design/Marketing from Texas Woman's University, where I learned a variety of art forms and studied the history of human creative expression. My 35-year career has spanned roles such as graphic designer, illustrator, animator, video editor, photographer, interactive developer, web master, data wrangler, and VP of customer/market research. I'm embracing my "golden years" by following my bliss and helping others do the same.

REVIEW: BookFunnel

BookFunnel is an author service that specializes in ebook and audio distribution, and creating tools that save indie authors time and sanity. Bookfunnel is fantastic. Not only are they helpful to our readers who are technically challenged but they make loading…

Review: Payhip

Payhip is an e-commerce platform that enables anyone to sell digital products or memberships directly to their fans and followers. Payhip takes care of everything. They’re an all-in-one ecommerce solution for creators. We’ve had a great experience so far with…

The King of All Things

This one speaks to the humbling truth that life is often beyond our command. There once was a king, proud and stout, Who wished to control all, without a doubt.He’d order the sun to rise and set,Demand the wind, “Stop…

The Kingdom of Veritas

This universal story is as old as time, with bits from different traditions. In a distant land, there was a kingdom called Veritas, where the people lived by the ancient teachings of the Lightbringer. These teachings spoke of love, justice,…

The Gift

This is a bittersweet story that wrestles with greed, overconsumption and complicity. The imagery is intense, but with a purpose. This is not a story for children. The alpacas in this story were beautiful and gentle creatures who lived on…

My Two Fathers

I love and cherish the time I had with both of my fathers, my birth father, and my stepfather. They were opposites in many ways: NCO/Officer, Fundamentalist/Moderate, Casual/Formal, Swedish/Okie but both cared deeply for my mother and me, were creative,…

Discovering Transcendence

As we journey through life, we often seek experiences that move us, inspire us, and connect us to something greater than ourselves. In the realm of art and music, these transcendent moments can be particularly powerful. But what makes a…